Home How to Invest In A Good Skincare Routine. Beautiful Tips For A Beautiful Skin.

    Invest In A Good Skincare Routine. Beautiful Tips For A Beautiful Skin.

    Are you making the following skincare mistakes? Let’s find out and get you on the path to a proper skincare routine.

    If you are like me, then you probably invest in a lot of skincare and take care of your skin, hair, and face.

    Makeup enhances your features but skincare is actually good for you in the long run because if your skin is healthy only then can your makeup look good.

    In the same way, your hair should be treated in such a way that minimizes damage and keeps them thick and luscious. 

    For years, I was making the same mistakes and could not figure out what I’m doing wrong.

    Instead of taking care of my features, I spent all my time making them look good.

    Doing constant make-up on my face, straightening and blow-drying my hair most of the time, and not having a good skincare routine.

    Then I realized that this is all just short term and if I wanted to look good in the long run, my best bet was to have a good skin and hair care routine.  

    Reaching this point took extensive research and time. Hours spent looking for the best routines.

    However, one thing to remember is that it takes trial and error to learn what suits you.

    Something that works wonders for someone else might not work for you as we all have different skin, hair, and body types. So it’s okay if at first, you don’t see results. Keep trying and don’t lose hope! 

    Taking care of your features goes a long way.

    If you take care of it properly, then it takes care of you. Listed below are expert tips that will help you in maintaining and enhancing your natural beauty. 

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    Confused about the Order to Apply Skin Care Products or how to layer skincare? Morning and Night Skincare routine at home, night skincare routine steps…

    How To Have A Beautiful Skin

    Many of us want to know how to improve our skin, so naturally, the first place we look is towards a proper skincare routine. These are the common skincare mistakes that may be destroying your skin goals.

    Top Skincare mistakes You Should Avoid.
    1. Do extensive research

    Know yourself. Know the types of all your features. 

    Figure out if you have dry, combination, or oily skin.

    Buy your products according to that. It is also very important to check the ingredients before buying anything.

    I recently found out that Sodium Laureth Sulfate is present in many personal care items; however, it is extremely bad for you.

    From now on, I make sure to buy products and especially shampoos that are free of that, and honestly, my hair and skin are thanking me now.  

    1. Invest in a good skincare routine

    There is a reason it’s called beauty sleep.

    This is because our cells regenerate during our sleep and it’s important to take care of your skin before that so they can focus on restoring it.

    Now, you will have to figure out the products best suited for your skin type because having the best routine for you comes after a bit of trial and error.

    But here are the basic steps to any good night time routine: 

    • Remove your make-up with a remover and cotton pad. 
    • Use a cleanser. Invest in a good cleansing oil or water-based cleanser; depending on your skin type. Take some of it and start massaging it on your face and neck. Then rinse with lukewarm water but leave your skin damp.  
    • Apply toner. Do this by pressing it into your face rather than using a cotton pad. 
    • Apply serum. You can customize this step according to your skin needs. However, your main focus should be hydration. Apply it on your skin and let it absorb first. 
    • Apply oil. This will help to prevent the clogging of pores. Take a few drops and massage it into your face. 
    • Use a night cream. Invest in a good night cream, one that moisturizes your skin so when you wake up your skin can look supple and healthy. 

    The Best Oils That Can Benefit The Skin. Beauty Poster:

    The Best Oils That Can Benefit The Skin. Beauty Poster.

    Must read: Discover Magical Properties of Flaxseed Oil. Healthy Nutrition For Skin, Hair, And Body.

    1. Switch to a Microfiber hair towel

    This is a lifesaver for your hair. Using a normal terry cloth towel damages your hair by causing breakage and frizz.

    Switching to a Microfiber towel helps keep the moisture locked in your hair as it absorbs the excess water without causing dryness.

    Once you make the switch, you will never want to go back to a regular towel.  

    1. Exfoliate weekly

    Most of us don’t do this as often as we should.

    Exfoliating is something that deep cleans your pores, gets rid of any dead skin cells, and completely cleans your face.

    So, to get rid of any excess build up on your skin, be sure to exfoliate weekly! 

    1. Healthy diet = Healthy skin and hair

    Our hair and skin need nutrients too to stay healthy. Your diet should include a variety of nuts, pulses, vegetables, and fruits.

    Try to incorporate more vegetables and fruits in your diet to have healthy skin and hair in the long run.  

    1. Never miss out on sunscreen

    Daily sun exposure can cause your skin to age faster.

    Always wear sunscreen if you plan on going out during the day. This will lessen the damage the sun does to your skin. 

    1. Use a silk pillowcase for sleeping

    This is good for both your skin and hair. It helps your hair stay frizz-free and its resistance to dust keeps your skin dirt-free and clean.

    I live by this and my hair and skin quality have gotten much better over time. 

    1. Always have a lip balm

    Great things do come in small packages! It’s such a versatile product. You can apply it on your cheeks to give it a dewy look or on your lids and lashes to give the effect of wearing mascara without actually wearing one.   

    1. Use a sheet-mask

    To up your moisturizing game, a little trick you can do is to apply a sheet-mask over it.

    This will help push all the hydrating ingredients into your skin. Apply it for ten minutes and your skin will look healthy and dewy. 

    1. Never ever sleep with makeup on

    Yes, sometimes we have a long day and we are so tired that we don’t have the energy to do anything.

    Even if you don’t feel like doing your nighttime routine, just make sure your face is makeup-free before bed.

    Sleeping with makeup can cause breakouts and clogged pores and make your skin look dull and dry the next day. 

    There are countless other beauty tips that you can use to care for your skin and hair, but these are the most basic and important ones.

    Follow these first and if you still feel something is missing and you can improve your routine, only then change or modify your personal care accordingly.  

    Related: How To Design Your Dream Palette For Your Face Skin.