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    And how to get rid of sweat if it is not a symptom of the disease. [+poster]

    Sweaty nights

    Most people are subjected to increased sweating due to heat. This is scientifically called hyperhidrosis.

    This is a natural protection for our body from overheating, but sweating causes a lot of trouble – who is happy to walk in wet clothes, spreading an unpleasant smell?

    In fact, abundant sweating can be determined not only by overheating. It can be promoted by caffeine and alcoholic beverages, various delicacies.

    Women often sweat strongly during menopause. It is also no secret that the greater the human weight, the more it sweats.

    So, sluggish people are rarely affected by this problem. Sweat is more pronounced when a person is worried or worried.

    Related: Heavy Night Sweats Can Cause Serious Health Problems. [7 Facts]

    And the sweat glands function differently – some stronger, others weaker. Mostly sweaty armpits, palms, and soles are sweating, although some people often sweat the face, neck, and area between the thighs.

    girl sleping in the train and night sweating
    Sweat on the road

    Although it is said that a person is “stinking sweat,” but the sweat itself does not have any odor. An unpleasant smell occurs in a sweaty place in the presence of bacteria.

    This smell depends on the activity of the nervous system, hormonal balance, and nutrition.

    Excessive sweating

    Occasionally, excessive sweating or a change in the odor of sweat can indicate a variety of diseases, such as infections, thyroid dysfunction, oncological diseases.

    Sudden sweating after suffocation may alert you to an upcoming heart attack. When we are very excited or suffering from severe pain, we may be thrown out by “cold sweat“.

    If you experience dizziness, chest pain or abdominal pain after this symptom, you should seek medical advice immediately.

    And how to get rid of sweat if it is not a symptom of the disease?

    That’s what the experts advise about sweat.

    1. Watch what you eat! Try not to eat spicy and salty foods – it increases sweating. Also, do not abuse tea and coffee, and alcoholic beverages are strictly forbidden!
    2. Have a regular bath or shower. If you live in a village where there is no water supply, go to the sauna more often.
    3. After hot weather, you need to wash several times a day. Particular attention should be paid to overweight people in this procedure. After bath or shower, it is necessary to wipe the feet well, so that the microorganisms easily reproduce in a moist medium.
    4. Use special hygiene measures. For example, antibacterial soap if you are not allergic to it. Sprinkle the legs between the legs or a special powder to sweat. This can also be done in other sweaty areas, otherwise, skin irritation may occur.
    5. Traditional fragrance deodorants can only enhance the odor of sweat, making it better to use antiperspirants that kill bacteria and stop sweating. Most effective with chlorine hydrate or aluminum sulfate *, emollient and moisturizing agents such as glycerin and Cyclomethicone, but no alcohol and flavoring. It is also better to choose tools with a ball mechanism rather than spray. If it irritates the skin, try 5 percent. hydrocortisone ointment. * There is no solid medical evidence to link antiperspirant use and breast cancer, but there is a theory that aluminum salts are one of the factors contributing to breast cancer. However, there is no firm evidence of this theory. If you do not want to risk anyway, you can choose natural odor-deodorizing agents – deodorizing minerals.
    6. Coping with strong sweating can help and folk remedies – such as mint decoction, which needs to clean sweaty sites, or salt baths. When you sweat your legs, they can be washed with a decoction of oak bark: pour a tablespoon of crushed bark into one liter of hot water and boil for another 10-15 minutes on low heat, then wait half an hour until you settle down and you can use it.
    7.  If no traditional remedy helps or only helps for a short time, take advantage of medical achievements. For example, iontophoresis. During this procedure, a small electrical impulse is transmitted to the problem zone, which disrupts the activity of the sweat glands.
    8. Sometimes these glands are even surgically removed. Remember, however, that they have a function in their body and can cause serious health problems if they are completely removed.
    Night Sweats. And how to get rid of sweat if it is not a symptom of the disease?