Just imagine the moment you are waiting all day — sleep.
You get into the bed, sit down cozy, cover-up in a soft blanket and fall into the kingdom of sleep…
But after a few hours, you wake up with sweaty like hell.
Most of us have experienced that feeling.
In addition, sometimes it can send you a scary message.
Does overnight sweating mean something wrong for the body?
Usually, night sweats are caused by things that are not dangerous to health – the too high temperature in the bedroom or synthetic material from which pajamas are made.
But in some cases, abundant night sweats can signal a serious health problem that should be investigated as soon as possible.
What are the signs that sweating may have serious causes and should you consult a doctor?
If abundant night sweats last more than two or three months, be sure to check out your health.
However, do not diagnose yourself with the most terrible illnesses in advance.
Heavy Night Sweats Can Cause Serious Health Problems. [7 Facts]
It’s time to figure out the seven main causes of excessive night sweats and the proper solutions on how to avoid it.
1. Too warm in the bedroom

The optimum temperature in the bedroom – plus 15-21 degrees Celsius (59-70 Fahrenheit). If it is higher, it means in the bedroom too warm.
Less “breathing” tissues (such as flannel pajamas) can also lead to increased sweating.
It is best to choose pajamas and bedding from high-quality cotton.
When it is too hot, it is harder to fall asleep – the body temperature drops by one or two degrees while sleeping, and in a warm room it does not succeed.
2. You have a sweating disorder already.

Yes, there is such a disorder – it is called hyperhidrosis – and, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), it happens most often when a person sweats more than necessary (yes, even during sleep).
One big difference between hyperhidrosis and night sweats – Hyperhidrosis is most common in specific parts of the body, according to AAD, especially in the palms, feet, armpits, and head.
Bearing in mind that sweating is much more common than usual in this disorder, it may be difficult for the patient to perform daily activities such as opening a door or using a computer.
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If you think you have hyperhidrosis, talk to a dermatologist – you can prescribe special deodorants or apply other treatments such as a botox injection that blocks the sweat glands.
3. You are having a nightmare.

This is probably the simplest explanation for excessive night sweats: If a person sweats abundantly at night, but there is no reason (he is perfectly healthy), he may just dream of nightmares at night and try to escape from something he is afraid of.
“Sweating is the result of dreams.”
Anything that causes the so-called “fight or runs” reaction can lead to night sweating. If you are constantly dreaming of nightmares for a long time, consult with your doctor who can explain them (usually guilty of stress).
4. The body goes for hormonal changes.

One of the most common causes of night sweats in women is the fluctuating level of estrogen, says women’s health experts.
During menopause, women often get hot flashes, so it’s not surprising that patients sweat even more when they sleep.
Sweating at night also increases due to hormonal changes and during pregnancy and menstruation.
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However, during menopause, sweating can be extremely troublesome, and if you are bothering to sleep or do your daily activities, you should consult your doctor.
Night sweats during menopause are unpredictable, but you can talk to your gynecologist about the possibility of hormone replacement therapy – this therapy can help you control temperature changes.
5. You are taking antidepressants.

People who are taking antidepressants, as a side effect, night sweats may occur. Certain proportions can cause an adrenergic reaction – when the level of adrenaline changes, which causes sweating.
However, if you do not want to change antidepressants, you can ask for medicines that suppress the adrenergic reaction but do not affect your mental health.
You can learn some tricks on how to solve any problem.
6. The body fights infection.

Infections are generally associated with temperature fluctuations, as the body struggles with pathogens to raise body temperature, that is, fever, and fever is certainly more sweaty.
One of the fewer infections, characterized by abundant night sweats, is tuberculosis, which can affect any part of the body, but is most known for its effects on the lungs.
People with diseases of the immune system, such as HIV, are more likely to get TB.
Sweating at night may start earlier than a cough or other symptoms of tuberculosis. It is recommended that you consult your doctor if the symptoms listed above persist.
7. You might have lymphoma.

Lymphoma – part of the immune system cancer (according to the US National Library of Medicine) – can cause many symptoms, such as fever, weight changes, and night sweats.
Essentially, the body is trying to fight lymphoma, so its temperature rises.
With this disease, sweat is abundantly swollen not only at night, but also a day, so if you experience these and other symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
Conclusions. 13 facts about night sweats.
- Menopause symptoms (“hot flushes”)
- Too warm in the bedroom
- Harmless condition – hyperhidrosis
- You have a sweating disorder
- You’re having a nightmare
- Alcohol or drug use
- The body goes for hormonal changes
- The body fights infection
- You might have lymphoma
- Anxiety
- Antidepressants, steroids, and painkillers
- Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
- Sometimes the cause of night sweats is unknown.

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