The golden rule for a perfect abdominal press (AB): only exercises will not be enough
It’s important to know that you wouldn’t make mistakes.
Do you know how to train your abdominal press correctly?
We have almost no doubt that some people are doing it wrong and that is what makes us feel like having a nice tummy!
Read the tips carefully and don’t repeat the mistakes in the future.
We all constantly hear or read how important abdominal exercises are.
Then we are obsessed with the idea of how to reinforce it and give it tone, but most of these exercises are inadequate and ineffective.
So what are the best Ab exercises with no equipment for women?
Of course, some exercises can reduce back pain and slightly strengthen your ab. If you are a beginner, just consult with experienced instructors or coaches.
If there is no time or opportunity to take the sport seriously, nothing is terrible. Work at home!
We offer several virtual exercise complexes for which you will not spend much time, but will enjoy a more beautiful abdominal press. Exercise is really very effective.
After a few minutes, you will be doing perfect Ab exercises for women with no equipment at no cost.
More articles about ab exercises:
There are also those called “abdominal simulators“, the information on which is printed and advertised in most magazines, that claim to be able to provide the perfect six pack within 10 days. It’s time to figure out what are those the Ab exercises with no equipment for women.
Following the wrong ads about exercises without equipment
Often you can see ads where described easy and fast ways to get a six-pack without any exercises, nor Ab exercises with no equipment for women.
Do not believe in those ads! These ads are the fakest as you can imagine. This article is one of the most honest ones you can find, which will give hope and show that your dream is achievable in a short time.
Follow these instructions and you will reach the goal. Soon you will get a stunning six pack with simple ab exercises…
Ab exercises for women with no equipment

Some comments about these ab exercises with no equipment for women:
- Great workout! The exercises force you to tighten your core and stabilize. Did a superset with the first two exercises then another with the next two. Little rest in between. Broke a sweat.
- I like it because it is versatile… you can use dumbbells (as shown) or with weight plates, kettlebells, resistance bands, etc.
- Very easy to do, doesn’t talk up a lot of time. I like the fact that I have time to do it in the morning before work.
- Perfect for beginners really helped the fat on the sides and I didn’t have to crawl on the floor 😀
- Getting better with heavier weight (2nd try). Don’t mind doing it again
- This is good. I can see how my abs tighten up and strengthen. These Ab exercises with no equipment for women definitely lifesaving!
- I will be using this on the evenings that I still need to work out!
- really work wonders just do it ????????????
- Great work out!

Some comments about these ab exercises for women:
- Good variety to choose from
- It works so well. Never thought that Ab exercises with no equipment for women can work so well
- Wow! So many ab exercises, my belly is burning!

Some comments about abs workout in 5 mins:
- You don’t need 40 minutes of exhausting exercises to get flat abs. Be smart about it!
- Try it for a month to see results! Ab exercises with no equipment for women works perfectly for me

Some comments about these killer ab exercises for women:
- Just completed. Day 1. First round I was like, wow this isn’t going to do much for me. By the 4th and 5th round I was working up a sweat. Great workout. Finished in 16 minutes. Will do this daily!
- Last part of the circuit I did a 30 seconds plank! This workout is so simple, love it! ❤
- I lost 6 pounds !! Now I’m 100 pounds. Still doing it until my doctor is happy. Thanks to Ab exercises with no equipment for women
- Super easy to do at home, can be done anywhere! You will feel it 🙂
- I mixed this routine with other workouts 🙂 and it was great
- A good to work back into working out. works you but without being ridiculous
- The plank was weird but I’ll do it every day
Workouts with no equipment for Women and Men

Some comments about the best six pack workouts:
- My abs are feeling the burn! Every woman should read this article – (Ab exercises with no equipment for women)
- Not as easy as it looks but good for getting back into exercising! Good burn.
- It feels good after a few months off

Some comments about these 10 ab workout exercises. No equipment:
- Not so bad for a short morning workout.
- It worked! But it took a bit more time than 10 minutes
- Loved it uses it daily!!! Actually works!!!
- Great!!
- I can feel my body changing. I hope I get used to the pain and become stronger.
Some examples of how to do the right Ab Exercises with no equipment for women

Debunked Myths About Ab Exercises
Question: Will we reduce the fat layer in the torso area by doing a lot of reps?
you can not get rid of the fat in any one small place. The only way to reduce your torso volume is to reduce the amount of fat in the torso area.
This is achieved by following a good diet, calorie intake and several cardiac exercises (high-intensity exercises) that help you burn calories.
Yes, it’s true that with a lot of rejections your press will become stronger, but until it is hidden under the fat nobody will see it and nobody will care about it. Plus, there will be no desirable effect you want.
Question: Are “Ab exercises” simulators better than normal simulators?
No, The American Board of Exercise has recently investigated whether all of this vision of the simulators is in line with their claims. They compared Ab Roller Plus, AB Sculptor, AB Trainer, and Ab Works with traditional backs without any equipment.
The results suggested that all of these visions did not match the benefits offered by advertisements.
Researchers, of course, confirmed that weight loss and muscle development are only achievable by combining aerobic exercise, workouts and nutrition, but not with all the ways suggested by magazines.
It’s true that some machines help you to do the exercise correctly, but they do nothing magical. Any exercise you can do with fashionable ab training, you can do it without it.
Question: Do you need to perform different exercises for lower and upper ab?
No. The lower and upper ab is one and the same muscle. You can not train one part without touching the other. Each press action touches on all the muscles of the abdominal press.
However, you can allocate more force to the lower or upper press, depending on the exercise. For example: lifting the legs more affects the lower press than the upper one.
Question: Do you need to do a lot of ab exercise repeats to get better results?
You have to train your press, just like every muscle in your body. If you want to define your press with grooves between the muscles, then you have to work with weights.
For example: hold 20kg in the chest or lift your legs, press the weights between the legs, just talk to the coach). Well, and if you want a solid and durable press, then it would be better to do a lot of repetitions.
Question: What exactly is press?
First of all, you have to understand what muscles you have and how they work. The press is a long joint area of the muscles between the pelvis and the sternum.
There are three main muscle groups in the press.
- A / The main part is the abdominal center, called the straight abdominal muscle (six cushions).
- B / The lower part is the abdominal press (prelim abdominal): the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, acting together, form the so-called abdominal press. The latter presses the internal organs in the abdominal cavity and helps them to exfoliate during labor, vomiting, removing the contents of the bladder and the rectum.
- C / The third part is known as a lever (the muscles on the sides of the abdomen) which is responsible for rotating the body left and right.
Question: How to train the right abdominal muscle?
Two methods are required.
- A / The first method is heart training. This is a great way to combine it with the correct diet, which helps to burn the excess calories.
- B / The second way is to properly train abdominal muscles.
Question: How do you train to lose weight?
Even if you calculate calories and maintain your diet, it will take forever to achieve the goal until you include heart training exercises in your plans that speed up metabolism and help burn caloric surpluses.
To achieve the best result, spend about 30 minutes, 3 times a week (eg cycling, roller skating, rowing, boxing or even running). During these exercises, try to keep your heart rate at a maximum of 80 percent.
Question: When is the best time to train?
Studies have shown that the best exercise to lose weight is in the morning before breakfast because then your body uses fat to consume energy. Morning training accelerates your metabolism.
Morning training also increases your hormone levels, which is important in reducing body fat and muscle building. Do not eat in the morning before a workout, drink some water and eat well after your workout.
Top comment from our reader:
This article about Ab exercises with no equipment for women should be an award-winning ab workout plan for free in one place. The best ab exercises burn calories and have the six-pack you always dreamed about. 5 infographics, comments from real people who tried these exercises, tips and debunked facts about ab training. Have fun, enjoy the journey to a perfect six-pack and beautiful body shape!