According to psychologists, a man evaluates a woman’s appearance in just 10 seconds.
And first of all, his eyes are obstructed behind the waist – he looks at the ass.
And what a woman does not dream of round and curled butt!
Do you say the owners of the most beautiful asses are doing all day long?
From the way you look from the back, your success depends on the eyes of the opposite sex, and your self-esteem.
If the sedentary lifestyle has left the butt out of all possible limits and out of its shape the only one solution exercises.
Before we dig more, here are some interesting facts about your butt:
- It is the butt that determines how lingerie, pants or skirts fits your body.
- You sit on them. Some do it for hours. Regrettably, constant sitting makes these feminine shapes flat and less attractive.
- Butt are formed by up to three pairs of muscles, and the large muscle of the buttock is one of the largest muscles in the body.
- Genetics also plays an important role, which is why some have a small, wide, medium or narrow, some with a large back.

Fitness professional and not amateur advice from the Internet can fix the situation.
Top Exercises For a Beautiful Butt. Poster.
We offer you to try these exercises, which will help you to create a fine and firm butt that you can do at home and in the fresh air.

Before continuing, check this beautiful butt guide:

Butt Exercises. No Magic.
It’s possible for a long and tedious way to surf the Internet, looking at an incredibly easy way to lift the butt, but your butt has been dropping, and so will it remain, till you decide to change your mind.
There is no magic but exercise, which only takes three minutes a day, could make the swollen butt turn into a real nut. There is no such exercise or hack and can not be.
The Beautiful Butt. What? How? When?
The butt are made up of three major muscles – large, middle and small. The little muscle, despite its modest name, plays a very important role – it gives it a ruggedness.
Therefore, the training of the lower abdominal muscle must be included in the training for the butts.
5 simple steps for a perfect butt:
- Squats
Various but simple leg exercises- Straight leg exercise
- Lifting pelvis
- Isolated legs lifts
Shortened exercise list to have a beautiful butt
1. If you want to enjoy an ideal looking underarm, the main and most important exercise for you is squats, preferably with a weight or at least with resistance in the form of a shock absorber.
Squats are different: classic, semi, deep, “plie” type, keeping one’s legs next to each other, etc. All these types of squats work perfectly with your feet, your back and adjust the shape.
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More specifically, for the benefit of the butt it is important to distinguish between deep, “plie” type squats and squats keeping one another’s feet apart.
Prior to taking full-time training, focus on mastering the technique. Here are the basic rules: the back is straight and “hard”, the knees are held at the level of the toes, the main load is on the butt and hips, the heels do not go up at the floor, the breathing is correct (allowing breathing, ascending – exhaling).
Deep squats perfectly raise your butt, so do not save your strength and perform these exercises qualitatively.
2. The second less important exercise is the most varied moves. There are three types of this type of exercise for the butt: pushing forward, back and transverse.
During this type of exercise, it is necessary to tighten the butt, stretch the forehead, stand up to the correct heel, descend as deeply as possible, and the steps must be as wide as possible.
When exercising it is important to track the roads, the angle between the road and the base should not be less than 90 degrees.
3. The third exercise is performed on straight legs. This exercise is basic, i.e. y Not only the butt, but also the muscles of the lower extremity and the lower back, are used to train it.
Naturally, the additional effect on motivation is only further increasing. So take the weights, stand upright, hold your legs slightly wider than your shoulder straps, slightly bend your knees, and hold your back straight.
Lower and lift the body back and shrink the buttock muscles, do not strain your hands and back at this time, imagine that you are a crane for lifting a load.
4. Lifting the pelvic exercise is especially useful in cases where the butt lacks tightness.
Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet as close as possible to the pelvis, hold the shoulder at a level, hold your hands along the body as a support.
Tighten the butt, lift the bowl from the floor, maximally squeezing the muscles. To increase the effect, you can climb your fingers or use legs as a support.
5. Lifting the knee lowered leg, straight leg lift. This exercise is isolated, it provides the opportunity to purposefully train the small buttock muscle.
Initial position – craning, on the knees and elbows, the abdomen is inserted, the bowl does not move during exercise. Lift and lower your foot with a curved path (initially one, then another).
Upon raising the leg, the position can be captured and slightly padded. Each exercise should be repeated at least 12-15 times during 3-4 sessions.
It is important to not use
Being in the gym, pay attention to trainers to push back legs. The more you perform the various exercises, the better results you can expect. Take advantage of the opportunity to climb the mountains or walk on a running track with a climb.
It is useful to increase the load by adding extra weight, however, while grabbing a fork or a weighbridge, you must master the technique that should be perfect.
The exercises for the butt are best done every other day, and later, once you learn how to handle them correctly and you can use additional weights, it’s enough to train a couple of times a week. Of course, a prerequisite is that you train hard and get busy.