Home Infographic 50 reasons to exercise. Here’s a Quick Snapshot of Exercise Benefits.

50 reasons to exercise. Here’s a Quick Snapshot of Exercise Benefits. [Poster]

Why we should exercise?

Like all machinery, your muscles must have fuel. That why we need to exercise daily.

Scientists have been searching for the answer to the questions of what kind of physical activity and what intensity of exercise are the most effective for health promotion.

Contemporary science considers physical activity as one of the guarantees for enhancing health, in particular, providing prognosis on the level of chronic diseases.

Lack of movement has been under analysis for many years as a separate health problem.

It gives preconditions for overweight, obesity and other obesity-related chronic health problems, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, which in turn worsen the quality of a persons’ living, are dangerous for one’s life, altogether being a huge burden for the budget of the health sector and economics in general

Body system

Before finding the solution to these questions we must evaluate numerous findings of research as well as compare the different physical loads of fast and long-term adaptation effects.

Many of the body’s functional systems are very active during exercising, therefore in scientific publications, there are various evaluations and suggestions on how to explore appropriate body reaction to various types of exercise.

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Individualization in workloads is important in order to get optimal benefits from exercising and long-term adaptation. Heart rate (HR) monitoring during exercising is a valuable method for feedback.

More recently, the impact of sport and physical activity on well-being and health has been investigated. Encouraging participation in sports activity is now an important public policy issue, as it is argued that there are benefits in terms of health and well-being to individuals as well as to society through externalities.

Sport, as a form of physical activity, can help to reduce the physiological health costs to the individual emanating from obesity, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, strokes, heart disease, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Moreover, participation in sport can also help to promote psychological benefits by reducing anxiety and depression.

Facts about the benefits of exercising

Many people spend more than half their waking hours sitting down. And activities that don’t enhance health account for quite a lot of the remainder. This growing trend may cause more trouble than most people realize. Observational studies suggest habitual inactivity raises risks for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, deep-vein thrombosis, and metabolic syndrome.

Research Conducted at Harvard University shows that:

One study that followed more than 50,000 middle-aged women for six years found that even among women who were avid exercisers, the more television they watched, the more likely they were to gain weight or develop diabetes — regardless of how much physical activity they did.

True benefits of exercise

Decades of solid science confirm that adding as little as half an hour of moderately intense exercise to your day improves health and extends life. Here’s a quick snapshot of the benefits exercise provides — not just while you are engaging in the exercise, but also over the long term:

  • Lessens the likelihood of getting heart disease, the No. 1 killer of both women and men in America. Exercising regularly helps prevent plaque buildup by striking a healthier balance of blood lipids (HDL, LDL, and triglycerides), helps arteries retain resilience despite the effects of aging, and bumps up the number of blood vessels feeding the heart. It also reduces inflammation and discourages the formation of blood clots that can block coronary arteries. Even if you already have heart disease, exercise lowers your chances of dying from it.
  • Lowers blood pressure, a boon for many body systems. Long-term hypertension (high blood pressure) doubles or triples the odds of developing heart failure and helps pave the way to other kinds of heart disease, stroke, aortic aneurysms, and kidney disease or failure.
  • Helps prevent diabetes by paring off excess weight, modestly lowering blood sugar levels, and boosting sensitivity to insulin so that less is needed to transport glucose into cells. If you have diabetes, exercise helps control blood sugar.
  • Reduces risk for developing colon and breast cancers, and possibly cancers of the endometrium (uterine lining) and lung. By helping you attain a healthy weight, exercise lessens your risk for cancers in which obesity is a factor, too.
  • Helps shore up bones. When combined with calcium, vitamin D, and bone-saving medications if necessary, weight-bearing exercise like walking, running, and strength training helps ward off age-related bone loss. And balance-enhancing activities, including tai chi and yoga, help prevent falls that may end in fractures.
50 reasons to exercise. Poster.